Sunday, May 26, 2024


Background historical information.

300,000 years ago a mysterious race of advanced aliens visited Earth. They took humans as pets/slaves/servants/co-workers, they also uplifted wolves to intelligence and used them as pets/slaves/servants/co-workers.  Some of these humans and uplifted wolves were transported to distant worlds within our galaxy.  The ancient alien race disappeared, leaving evidence of a massive conflict. Far off in the galaxy on a world called Vland in the year 4717 BC on the Earth calendar, the Vilani discovered the jump drive and began exploring and colonizing. They encountered alien races and other transplanted human races. In 882 BC the Vilani began a series of wars that would lead to the foundation of the Imperium in 473 AD.  The Vilani Imperium slowly expanded but stagnated technologically.  In 2087 AD the jump drive was invented by Earth, in 2096 AD humans from Earth run into humans of the Imperium, and war follows. A series of interstellar wars lasted until 2299 AD and resulted in victory for the Terran forces. In 2314 AD a Terran human is elevated to the position of Emperor of the Imperium - this is sometimes called the second Imperium or alternatively the Rule of Man. In 2742 AD the Rule of Man finally collapsed and interstellar trade ceased, an era called the Long Night affected the worlds of the Imperium.  In the year 3868 AD in the former Imperial world of Sylea, a federation is incorporated which has the economic and technological might to begin expansion and trade with its neighboring worlds. In 4518 AD Cleon is elevated to the position of Emperor of the newly incorporated Imperium, tracing his lineage back through Terran rulers during the RoM right back to the First Imperium. This is year 0 of the Imperium or Third Imperium.  It is now 1055 as the Imperium denotes time or 5673 AD on the Terran calendar...

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